Babylon includes in-house proprietary dictionaries, as well as community-created dictionaries and glossaries. It is considered a part of Israel's Download Valley, a cluster of software companies monetizing "free" software downloads through adware. The company was established in 1997 by the Israeli entrepreneur Amnon Ovadia.
So you can use the Glossary Converter to create a bilingual xlsx file from your termbase (if you have more than 2 languages, filter all but source and target), and then use the builder to convert them to bgl and import them into your Babylon repository.Babylon is a computer dictionary and translation program developed by the Israeli company Babylon Software Ltd. A workaround is the free Babylon Glossary Builder: The format uses unknown headers and checksums that make it impossible to do that.
Convert the cleaned txt to sdltb in a second step. If the result contains unwanted markup, I recommend to first convert to txt, and see if you can repair it in that format sometimes a simple search and replace is all that is required. Some cleanup is performed, but it is not comprehensive. Therefore, quite a few glossaries contain rich formatting that makes is impossible to automatically detect relevant content. The format is designed to be displayed in Babylon, which allows HTML formatting. There is also no guarantee that Babylon will keep the format, it could change any day. Therefore, while most tested files sort of work, some produce unusable results.
This process includes a lot of guesswork and ignoring of unknown parts. The file format has partially been reverse engineered to allow reading data. There are a few problems that distinguish them from other formats: They are monolingual (term + definition) or bilingual (term + translation). The converter allows to read (some of) them. Babylon bgl files are available for free in many languages and domains, so they can be a valuable resource.