Play proceeds as a continuing struggle for world domination, with attempts to gain control of or destroy neutral or hostile organizations assisted by the use of simulated money and special action cards representing such concepts as Orbital Mind Control Lasers. Bizarre and incongruous arrangements are common, exemplified by the possible emergence of Star Trek fans as the Secret Masters of the CIA. The design of this structure is significant, affecting the flow of financial income between groups and the ability of organizations to support each other if another player attempts to take control of them. Groups which have been successfully dominated are built into their owner's power structure, a physical arrangement of cards which represents the organization of that player's conspiracy. Cards representing other supposedly powerful groups, such as the Secret Masters of Fandom, Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow and the International Communist Conspiracy, are dealt from a deck, at which point players may attempt to gain control of them. Each player begins with a card representing their central conspiracy, or Illuminati faction, with options ranging from the original Bavarian Illuminati to the masters of the Bermuda Triangle. The spirit of Wilson's original trilogy is effectively invoked the game abounds with ludicrous conspiracies, moments of high weirdness and quintuple-cross after quintuple-cross. Illuminati is a game of social satire, much influenced by Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus! sequence, with one simple goal: take over the world.