E5333 unbrick by setool
E5333 unbrick by setool

e5333 unbrick by setool

In 1995, Mathieu Kassovitz wrote and directed a film that showed the controversial truth "La Haine", which translates to "Hate", a film deemed so important the then-prime minister Alain Juppé arranged a special screening and ordered his entire cabinet to watch the film.Īdditionally, you can download Huawei Mobile Partner latest version with WiFi Facility also for PC. Kassovitz rightfully won the Best Director award at the Cannes festival for his film that had and still has a huge impact on French society. La Haine mixes ethnics to emphasise the overriding importance of solidarity against the police. In my opinion, the greatest film ever made.

e5333 unbrick by setool

A cinematic phenomenon so close to my heart. It is the day after the riots on an underclass French estate (the film opens with real footage of riots with the suitable soundtrack of Bob Marley's Burnin' and Lootin'). A youth named Abdel had been caught and beaten by the police and is now in critical condition. One of his very best friends, Vinz (Jewish), had found a cop's weapon. He swears that if Abdel dies he will kill a cop. I just use the phone for one week and the phone have no warranty.The majority of the film revolves around Vinz and his two other friends Hubert (Afro-Caribbean) and Saïd (North African) roaming around their ghetto and suburbs of Paris. The picture in attachments shows what i said. ).Īfter while the flashtool process is stuck.and after 30min,I unplug the USB cable and prepare to flash again,but when I connect the phone to computer again,the computer can't Identify my phone,the Flashtool said "For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode" when I connect to computer.:crying:Īnd the windows device manager only can recognize my phone in a USB serial device,the VID 0FCE,Pid SOMC FLash Device any more.

e5333 unbrick by setool

I remember flashtool ask me "use FSC script",but I select no(I don't know what FSC is used to do,so I select no. So I open FlashTool( and open XperiFirm to download the firmware and wait the firmware download and FTF created successful,I start flash my phone in flashmode. At first,I using Sony PC Companion 2.1 to update my phone,but the pcc download firmware too slow.

E5333 unbrick by setool